Jumaat, Oktober 08, 2010

Maher Zain di Malaysia

( Video ini juga telah dipublish di dalam Youtube dan mempunyai sejarah yg tersendiri apabila mencapai tontonan @ views sebanyak 25 ribu dalam masa tidak sampai seminggu, dan pihak Awakening, syrkt rakaman Maher Zain tlh claim hakcipta. maka Youtube tlh remove video ni.....sedihhhh... So video ni hanya diabadikan dalam Blog dan Facebook Ummuqayyim sahaja)SELAMAT MENONTON PEMINAT MAHER ZAIN di luar sana.


Kembali ke jalan Allah


TIGA tahun lalu, dia pernah terbuai dengan keseronokan duniawi. Bergelar pengunjung tegar pusat hiburan, meneguk minuman beralkohol serta menjadikan najis dadah sebagai peneman, penyanyi dan produser yang berhasil menghipnos pengikut dari seluruh dunia, Maher Zain, 29, secara terbuka berkongsi kekhilafan dirinya.

Berterus-terang, tidak pernah terlintas di ruang fikirnya ingin berdampingan dengan gelaran anak seni. Jejaka kacak berketurunan Lebanon dan dibesarkan di Sweden itu, sebaliknya punya alasan sendiri untuk tegak berdiri dalam belantika hiburan lantas mengalunkan kelunakan vokalnya yang dibalut puji-pujian kepada Sang Pencipta.

"Tiga tahun lalu, saya jauh daripada Allah kerana melakukan banyak perkara yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam. Saya juga bergaul dengan orang tidak baik. Malah, paling menyedihkan saya tidak ingat dengan bacaan Al-Fatihah. Bayangkan, sampai macam itu sekali. Saya akui keadaan ini agak serius sekali gus membimbangkan diri.

MAHER ingin terus memperbaiki diri dalam berkarya.

"Tidak lama kemudian, saya rasa teramat kekosongan. Apa tidaknya, saya melihat diri ini tidak sama dengan kawan lain sampaikan kami pernah berselisih faham sesama sendiri apabila mempersoal tentang cara hidup dan persekitaran tidak betul ini. Selepas itu, saya diperkenalkan kepada RedOne lantas bekerja di sampingnya bagi menerbitkan album artis lain.

"Dalam waktu sama, saya sering mengunjungi sebuah masjid dan bertemu rakan-rakan baru. Mereka banyak memberi nasihat kepada saya agar kembali kepada asal-Nya. Justeru, saya mula lebih mengenal diri sehinggakan timbul kesedaran untuk berkarya," katanya ketika ditemui pada pelancaran album Thank You Allah di Menara Kuala Lumpur Selasa lalu.

Dan bukan calang-calang. Dianugerahkan selautan bakat seni, graduan Sarjana Kejuruteraan Aeronautik ini terinspirasi untuk menghasilkan lagu-lagu bersalut keagamaan dan kerohanian dalam perspektif berbeza. Lebih menarik, setiap karya dibikin Maher, ia terkait dengan kisah yang pernah dialami sendiri di alam realiti.

"Dengan muzik merupakan sebenar minat saya, tiada salahnya kalau membikin lagu yang bersangkutan dengan ajaran Islam termasuk meluahkan seluruh kecintaan kepada Allah, alam semesta, pasangan, keluarga, sahabat handai dan sebagainya. Lebih indah kalau saya mahu menampilkan pembaharuan," lekas sahaja jawabnya.

MAHER sempat mendendangkan lagu popular yang berjudul Insya-Allah di hadapan pihak media dan peminat.

Boleh dianggap mencipta gelombang sehingga dia sendiri terkena refleks kemasyhuran, Maher tidak pernah sesekali menebak dia mampu berada pada tangga sekarang. Kemunculannya dalam dunia serba-serbi glamor, akuinya, hanya ingin berkongsi kebolehan kepada peminat. Tiada lain, itu sahaja yang berputar dalam fikirannya.

"Sejujurnya, saya tidak sangka dengan penerimaan positif daripada peminat termasuk di Malaysia apabila berkecimpung dalam arena seni sejak dua tahun lalu. Sukar hendak digambarkan perasaan ini. Yang penting, saya sentiasa berpegang kepada niat - menyalurkan mesej tertentu dalam membikin lagu kepada pendengar.

"Begitupun, saya sentiasa sedar diri. Sebenarnya masih panjang lagi perjalanan saya dalam industri ini. Saya harap dapat terus menyumbangkan lebih banyak karya berkualiti sambil menyelitkan elemen dakwah. Saya ingin memfokuskan terlebih dahulu terhadap nyanyian dan penerbitan," ujar Maher yang selesa menjunjung jalur R&B dan soul.

Konsert perkenalan

Selain hadir ke bumi Malaysia untuk melancarkan album debutnya, Maher juga bakal menghiburkan peminat menerusi konsert mini Save The Soul yang bakal berlangsung di Dewan Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam, Selangor pada 14 dan 15 Oktober ini. Dibawa oleh Raudhatus Sakinah, penghibur terkenal tanah air, Aishah menjadi artis pembuka tirai.

Cukup mengejutkan apabila tiket mini konsert tersebut telah habis dijual dalam waktu singkat. Maher juga ketika ditemubual, tidak berupaya menyembunyikan kegembiraannya sehingga tidak sabar untuk bertandang semula ke negara ini sambil merealisasikan konsert berskala gergasi dengan menghadirkan bunyi-bunyian orkestra.

BARISAN wakil dari Menara KL juga tidak ketinggalan mengabadikan gambar bersama Maher.

"Konsert mini ini dianggap sebagai acara kecil memperkenalkan diri saya kepada peminat di Malaysia. Saya bakal menyanyikan sebanyak lapan buah lagu secara minus one daripada album Thank You Allah. Ia sengaja dibuat dalam suasana santai supaya saya dapat menghiburkan peminat secara lebih dekat pada persembahan ini.

"Pada pendapat saya, sebuah konsert tidak kiralah bersaiz biasa, atau sebaliknya, ia perlu dilakukan terutama kepada artis baru seperti saya. Tidak terkecuali, saya ada perancangan untuk mengadakan persembahan lebih besar pada masa akan datang. Insya-Allah, mungkin awal tahun depan," sahutnya penuh harap.

Menandatangani kontrak dengan rumah penerbitan, Awakening Records sejak setahun lepas, Maher yang telah mengukir populariti di negara Eropah dan Timur Tengah turut menzahirkan keterujaan apabila berkesempatan melibatkan diri pada mini konsert tersebut. Tambah Maher: "Hanya Tuhan saja tahu betapa bersyukurnya saya dapat berada di Malaysia."

BHarian online
Penyelamat jiwa
Oleh Farihad Shalla Mahmud

SEBAHAGIAN penonton yang memenuhi Auditorium MBSA.

Maher Zain damaikan hati 1,600 peminat di Shah Alam

TANPA sebarang publisiti besar-besaran, tiket untuk menyaksikan Maher Zain Save The Soul Showcase yang berlangsung di Auditorium Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam (MBSA) Selangor malam Khamis lalu laris dijual lebih awal dari yang dijangkakan. Malah, untuk persembahan selama dua malam berturut-turut itu turut menyaksikan lokasi itu sesak dengan penonton yang begitu teruja untuk melihat penyanyi keturunan Lubnan dari Sweden ini.
Itulah penangan Maher yang ketika ini begitu hebat menebarkan fenomena di kalangan penggemarnya di sini.
Click Here
Dia hadir dengan pakej yang lengkap. Kacak, berbakat besar serta mempunyai vokal yang merdu membuatkan jejaka berusia 28 tahun ini begitu mudah mengumpulkan peminat. Ditambah dengan lagu nyanyiannya yang sarat mesej serta mempunyai melodi yang menarik, maka tidak hairanlah andai namanya begitu mudah mendaki populariti.

Sejak albumnya yang berjudul Thank You Allah meledak di pasaran sehingga berjaya meraih angka jualan sebanyak 30,000 unit, nama Maher terus meniti di bibir penggemarnya di sebelah sini.

Justeru, tidak hairanlah andai pada malam persembahan yang indah itu, lebih 1,600 penonton berasak-asak membanjiri lokasi terbabit semata-mata untuk menghayati keindahan melodi puji-pujian terhadap Ilahi itu walaupun pada masa yang sama di Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil, berlangsungnya konsert yang menampilkan naib juara American Idol musim kelapan, Adam Lambert.

Bukan pujian kosong, tetapi saat jejaka berusia 28 tahun ini melantunkan vokal merdunya, terasa jiwa bagai dibasuh. Hati menjadi tenang dan timbul perasaan damai dalam diri. Bait-bait liriknya yang menyentuh perasaan menghilangkan rasa gundah. Tidak keterlaluan andai dikatakan kehadiran Maher bagaikan penyelamat kepada kebanyakan jiwa yang mula ditenggelami arus noda dan dosa, seperti yang dinyatakan menerusi tajuk showcase yang dibawakan khas oleh Rumah Perlindungan Rhaudatus Sakinah (RS).
Muncul pada jam 9.30 malam selepas persembahan pembukaan oleh kumpulan Inteam dan Aishah, Maher mengucapkan salam pengenalan menerusi lagu Allah Allah Kiya Karo. Seperti yang dijangka kehadirannya membangkitkan semangat penonton dan disambut dengan sorakan dari mereka yang memang ternanti-nanti kemunculannya di atas pentas.

Ringkas saja penampilannya malam itu. Cukup dengan hanya mengenakan jeans, kemeja rona putih serta jaket khaki dan bertopi, Maher tetap kelihatan bergaya.

Dia punya aura tersendiri kala beraksi di atas pentas. Bukan saja mempunyai vokal yang merdu, jejaka ini turut mempunyai kemahiran berkomunikasi yang baik. Ada saja perkara yang ingin diperkatakannya kepada penonton. Sesekali dia berjenaka dan ada ketika dia sempat menabur nasihat. Ternyata, apa yang dikatakannya itu begitu relevan kerana dia bercakap berdasarkan pengalaman.

Kongsi kesedaran bersama peminat

APA yang ditulis Maher adalah berdasarkan pengalaman hidup sendiri serta pemikiran terhadap peristiwa yang disaksikan dalam kehidupan. Mungkin tidak ramai yang tahu bahawa tiga tahun lalu, dia sendiri pernah sesat dalam mencari arah tujuan. Maher leka dengan hiburan dunia sehingga terlupa akan tanggungjawabnya pada Tuhan. Mujurlah Yang Maha Esa memberikan kesedaran dengan begitu cepat.

Justeru, apa yang dilaluinya pada masa itu dikongsi bersama menerusi nyanyiannya. Dengan bakat yang ada, maka lahirlah lagu Thank You Allah, Open Your Eyes, Hold My Hand, yang menjadi antara lagu nyanyiannya pada malam itu. Turut didendangkan ialah Always Be There, Ya Nabi Salam Alaika, Hold My Hand, The Chosen One dan Open Your Eyes. Penyanyi ini menutup persembahan dengan lagu popularnya, Insha Allah.

Sepanjang persembahan malam itu, Maher lebih gemar meminta penonton menyanyi bersamanya. Paling menyeronokkan apabila penonton juga bersikap sporting dan rela melantunkan suara setiap kali mikrofon dihalakan ke arah mereka. Tanpa perlu menari, dia berjaya menjadikan dewan itu gamat ketika menyanyikan lagu yang tidak kurang rancaknya, Baraka Allahu Lakuma.

Sewaktu menyampaikan lagu For The Rest Of My Life, lagu yang ditulis khusus untuk isteri tercinta, Maher sempat menitip pesanan supaya pasangan yang sudah berumah tangga yang ada dalam dewan itu dapat menjaga keharmonian rumah tangga mereka.

Tidak dinafikan, Maher hadir tepat pada masanya. Pada saat hiburan berunsurkan Islam memerlukan sesuatu perubahan supaya mudah diterima golongan remaja, album Thank You Allah miliknya, memberikan alternatif berkenaan.

Teruja dengan sambutan yang ditunjukkan peminat, Maher berjanji akan datang semula ke Malaysia. Kali ini dia mengharapkan supaya dapat mengadakan sebuah persembahan berskala mega supaya lebih ramai peminat dapat menyaksikannya.
Konsert yang memakan masa hampir dua jam ini dikendalikan oleh dua pengacara hebat, Ahmad Fedtri Yahya dan Wardina Saffiyah.




If you ask me about Allah
And what I know about it
I’ll answer will be .....

It’s everything about Allah
The pure love to our soul
Who have created you and me,
The heaven and whole universe
The One that made us hold and free
The Guardian of His True believers

So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there
To bless us with His love and His mercy coz
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there

He’s always watching us, guiding us
And He knows what’s in our little heart
So when you lose your way to Allah
You should turn
As He promises to you He’ll always be there ...

Could bring the sun from the darkness
Into the light
Capable of everything
Should never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow His guidance
All the way through a short time
We have in this life
Soon it’ll all be over
And we’ll be in His heaven
And we’ll all be fined

So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there
To bless us with His love and His mercy coz
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there
He’s always watching us, guiding us
And He knows what’s in our little Heart
So when you lose your way to Allah
You should turn
As He promises to you He’ll always be there



أنتَ نورُ اللـَّهِ فـَجرًا
جـِئتَ بَعدَ العُسر يُسرًا
رَبُّنا أعلاكَ قـَدرًا
يا إمامَ الأنبياءِ

أنتَ فى الوجدان حَىٌّ
أنتَ لِلعـَينـَين ضـَىٌّ
أنتَ عِندَ الحَوض رىٌّ
أنتَ هادٍ وَصَفىٌّ
يا حَبيبى يا مُحَمَّد

يا نـَبىّ سَلام عَلـَيكَ
يا رَسول سَلام عَلـَيكَ
يا حَبيب سَلام عَلـَيكَ
صَلـَواتُ اللـَّه عَلـَيكَ

يَرتـَوى بـِالحُبِّ قـَلبى
حُبِّ خـَير رُسل رَبّى
مَن بـِهِ أبصَرتُ دَربى
يا شـَفيعى يا رَسولَ اللـَّه

أيُّها المُختارُ فينا
زادَنا الحُبُّ حَنينا
جـِئتـَنا بـِالخـَير دينا
يا خِتامَ المُرسَلينَ
يا حَبيبى يا مُحَمَّد

Anta noorol lahy fajran (You are the light of Allah at dawn)
Jeita baadal osry yosran (You came after the hardship as convenience)
Rabbona aalaka kadran (Our God raised up your position)
Ya imam al anbeya'ee (Oh Imam (Leader) of the Prophets)

Anta fel wejdany hayyon (You are alive in sentiment)
Anta lel aynayny dayyon (You are the light of eyes)
Anta endal hawdy reyyon (You are the irrigation at the Hawd (basin))
Anta haden wa safeyyon (You are the absolutely pure guide)
Ya habeeby ya muhammad (My beloved Muhammad)

Ya nabey salam alayka (Oh Prophet, peace be upon you)
Ya rassool salam alayka (Oh Messenger, peace be)
Ya habeeb salam alayka (Oh beloved, peace be)
Salawatol lah alayka (The prayers of Allah be)

Yartawee bel hobby kalby (My heart irrigates with love)
Hobby khayry rosly rabby (The love of the best of Messengers of my God)
Man behee absarto darby (Whom by him I have seen my path)
Ya shafee'ee ya rassool allah (My intercessor, Oh Messenger of Allah)

Ayyohal mokhtaro feena (Oh, the chosen out from us)
Zadanal hobbo haneena (Love boosted up the nostalgia)
Jeitana bel khayry deena (You came for us with religious peace)
Ya khetamal morsaleena (Oh, final Messenger)
Ya habeeby ya muhammad (My beloved Muhammad)


Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Everytime you can make one more mistake
You feel you can’t repent
And that its way too late
Your’re so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Turn to Allah
He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don’t let me go astraYou’re the only one that showed me
the way,
Showed me the way x2
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah we’ll find the way


Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain

Every day we tell each other
That this day will be the last
And tomorrow we all can go home free
And all this will finally end
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free

No mother no father to wipe away my tears
That’s why I won’t cry
I feel scared but I won’t show my fears
I keep my head high
Deep in my heart I never have any doubt
That Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free

I saw those rockets and bombs shining in the sky
Like drops of rain in the sun’s light
Taking away everyone dear to my heart
Destroying my dreams in a blink of an eye
What happened to our human rights?
What happened to the sanctity of life?
And all those other lies?
I know that I’m only a child
But is your conscience still alive

I will caress with my bare hands
Every precious grain of sand
Every stone and every tree
‘Cause no matter what they do
They can never hurt you
Coz your soul will always be free

Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free


I was so far from you
Yet to me you were always so close
I wandered lost in the dark
I closed my eyes toward the signs
You put in my way
I walked everyday
further and further away from you

Ooooo Allah, you brought me home
I thank you with every breath I take

الحمد لله الحمد لله
All praises to Allah

I never thought about
All the things you have given to me
I never thanked you once
I was too proud
to see the truth
And prostrate to you
Until I took the first step
And that's when you opened the doors for me
Now Allah, I realized what I was missing
By being far from you

الحمد لله
All praises to Allah

Allah, I wanna thank you
I wanna thank you for all the things that you've done
You've done for me through all my years I've been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
And did you give me hope

O Allah, I wanna thank you
I wanna thank you for all the things that you've done
You've done for me through all my years I've been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
I wanna thank you for bringing me home

الحمد لله
All praises to Allah

الحمد لله

6) ALLA HI ALLAH KIYA KARO (feat. Irfan Makki)

Allah hi Allah kia kero
dukh na kisi ko diya kero
jo duniya ka malik hai
naam ussi ka liya kero
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
kab chehray pe jhoot saja ke mitti hai sachai
jhootay ko duniya mein hamaisha milti hai rusvaye
sach ki raah pe chala karo.
dukh na kisi ko diya kero
jo duniya ka malik hai
naam ussi ka liya kero
Allah hi Allah
Allah hi Allah kia kero
dukh na kisi ko diya kero
jo duniya ka malik hai
naam ussi ka liya kero
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
sheeha toot ke jur sakta hai, dil na juray ger totay
kitna hai bedard woh insaan pyar ka ghar jo lootay
aisa zulm na kia kero
dukh na kisi ko diya kero
jo duniya ka malik hai
naam ussi ka liya kero
Allah hi Allah
Allah hi Allah kia kero
dukh na kisi ko diya kero
jo duniya ka malik hai
naam ussi ka liya kero
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Khud Gharzi Ki Iss Duniya main pyar se jeena seekho
yoon logon ka dil na dukhao, Rab se darna seekho
sab se mohabbat kia karo
dukh na kisi ko diya kero
jo duniya ka malik hai
naam ussi ka liya kero
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…

Translate to english:

say Allah Allah all the time
give no pain to anyone
who is the owner of this world
always say Allah's name

Allah say Allah

walk on the right path
give no pain to anyone
who is the owner of this world
always say Allah's name

don't do this selfishness
give no pain to anyone
who is the owner of this world
always say Alla'hs name


In a time of darkness and greed
It is your light that we need
You came to teach us how to live
محمد يا رسول الله

You were so caring and kind
your soul was full of light
You are the best of mankind
محمد خير خلق الله

صلّوا على رسول الله
الحبيب المصطفى
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One

From luxury you turned away
And all night you would pray
Truthful in every word you say
محمد يا رسول الله

Your face was brighter than the sun
Your beauty equaled by non
You are Allah Chosen One
محمد خير خلق الله

صلّوا على رسول الله
الحبيب المصطفى
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One

I'll try to follow your way
And do my best to live my life
as you taught me
I pray to be close to you
On that day and see you smile
When you see me

صلّوا على رسول الله
الحبيب المصطفى
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One

صلّوا على رسول الله
Peace be upon.. Oh
The Chosen One


We're here on this special day
Our hearts are full of pleasure
A day that brings the two of you
Close together
We're gathered here to celebrate
A moment you'll always treasure
We ask Allah to make your love
Last forever

Let's raise our hands and make Do'a
Like the Prophet taught us
And with one voice
Let's all say, say, say

بارك الله لكما وبارك عليكما
وجمع بينكما في خير

From now you'll share all your chores chores
Through heart-ship to support each other
Together worshipping Allah
Seeking His pleasure

We pray that He will fill your life
With happiness and blessings
And grants your kids who make your home
Filled with laughter

Let's raise our hands and make Do'a
Like the Prophet taught us
And with one voice
Let's all say, say, say

بارك الله لكما وبارك عليكما
وجمع بينكما في خير

بارك الله
بارك الله لكم ولنا

الله بارك لهما
الله أدم حبهما
الله صلّي وسلّم على رسول الله

الله تب علينا
الله ارض عنا
الله اهد خطانا
على سنة نبينا

Let's raise our hands and make Do'a
Like the Prophet taught us
And with one voice
Let's all say, say, say

بارك الله لكما وبارك عليكما
وجمع بينكما في خير


I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say
For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Through days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I…I`ll be there for you
I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together in jannah
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And theres a couple word I want to say
*Repeat Chorus
I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here
Infront of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally
Repeat Chorus
I know that deep in my heart..


I hear the flower's kinda crying loud
The breeze's sound is sad
Oh no...
Tell me when did we become
So cold and empty inside
Lost a way long time ago
Did we really turn that blind
We don't see that we keep hurting each other no
All we do is just fight
Now we share the same bright sun, the same round moon
Why don't we share the same love
Tell me why not
Life is shorter than most have thought
Hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what we`ve left behind
Hold my hand my friend
We can save the good spirit of me and you
For another chance
And let's pray for a beautiful world
A beautiful world I share with you
Hold my hand....
Children seem like they've lost their smile
On the new blooded playgrounds
Oh no...
How could we ignore
heartbreaking crying sounds
And we're still going on
Like nobody really cares
And we just stopped feeling all the pain because
Like it's a daily basic affair
Now we share the same bright sun, the same round moon
Why don't we share the same love
Tell me why not
Life is shorter than most have thought
Hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what we`ve left behind
Hold my hand my friend
We can save the good spirit of me and you
For another chance
And let's pray for a beautiful world
A beautiful world I share with you
No matter how far I might be
I'm always gonne be your neighbour
There's only one small planet where to be
So I'm always gonna be your neighbour
We cannot hide, we can't deny
That we're always gonna be neighbours
Your neighbour, my neighbour
We're neighbours
So hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what have left behind
So hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what we`ve left behind
Hold my hand my friend
We can save the good spirit of me and you
For another chance
And let's pray for a beautiful world
A beautiful world I share with you


We were given so many prizes
We changed the desert into oasis
We built buildings of different lengths and sizes
And we felt so very satisfied
We bought and bought
We couldn't stop buying
We gave charity to the poor 'cause
We couldn't stand their crying
We thought we paid our dues
But in fact
To ourselves we're just lying
Oh...I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves
We were told what to buy and we'd bought
We went to London, Paris and
We made show we were seen in the most exlusive shops
Yes we felt so very satisfied
We felt our money gave us infinite power
We forgot to teach our children about history and honor
We didn't have any time to lose
When we were.. (were)
So busy feeling so satisfied
I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves
We became the visuals without a soul
despite the heat
Our homes felt so empty and cold
To fill the emptiness
We bought and bought
Maybe all the fancy cars
And bling will make us feel satisfied
My dear brother and sister
It's time to change inside
Open your eyes
Don't throw away what's right aside
Before the day comes
When there's nowhere to run and hide
Now ask yourself 'cause Allah's watching you
Is He satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?
Oh..I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

12) SUBHANALLAH (feat. Mesut Kurtis)

سبحان الله

سبحانك ربي سبحانك
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك

ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك

As I traveled through the earth
I can't help but notice
The symphony I hear all around
from the smallest grain of sand
to the faraway planets
to a flower put in roots in the ground
Every bird in the sky
Every rock and every raindrop
Says as it falls from the clouds
every ant, every plant
every breeze and all the seas
They all sing

سبحانك ربي سبحانك
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك

ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك

جل الله بكل كون الله
ألمح نور الله
وذكر ربي في دقات قلبي
يهتف بسم الله
خلق الله
صنع الله ما أبهاه
والأكوان تسبح بسم الله
جل الله في علاه
يا رباه يا رحمن

سبحانك ربي سبحانك
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك

ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك

سبحان الله

سبحانك ربي سبحانك
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك

ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك


Look around yourselves
Can’t you see this wonder
Spreaded infront of you
The clouds floating by
The skies are clear and blue
Planets in the orbits
The moon and the sun
Such perfect harmony

Let’s start question in ourselves
Isn’t this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind
To push it all aside..

We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright to see the signs
We can’t keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

Look inside yourselves
Such a perfect order
Hiding in yourselves
Running in your veins
What about anger love and pain
And all the things you’re feeling
Can you touch them with your hand?
So are they really there?

Lets start question in ourselves
Isn’t this proof enough for us?
Or are we so blind
To push it all aside..?

We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright to see the signs
We can’t keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

When a baby’s born
So helpless and weak
And you’re watching him growing..
So why deny
Whats in front of your eyes
The biggest miracle of life..

We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look quiet we’ll see the signs
We can’t keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

Open your eyes and hearts and minds
If you just look bright to see the signs
We can’t keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

You created everything
We belong to You
Ya Robb we raise our hands
Forever we thank You..

copy from www.bingkisnurani.blogspot.com

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